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Webinar – Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs at the Data Weekender

The #DataWeekender is a free online conference scheduled for May 2nd, organized by the SQL Server community’s finest, as an online replacement for all the SQL Saturdays and other SQL Server conferences that were being canceled en masse due to the COVID-19 situation.

One of my submitted sessions was accepted:

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Surviving the COVID-19 Dystopia

These are surreal times we live in. The lethal COVID19 strain of the Corona virus is officially a Pandemic, and we quickly realized how fast such a thing can spread in this era of Globalization. With the virus pandemic also arrives a pandemic of blog posts and social network noise. Everyone’s writing and talking about this topic. So, I guess I must too.

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CI and CD with SSDT and living to tell about it

Webinar: CI and CD with SSDT – Rescheduled!

Clear your calendars! The long-awaited webinar about CI and CD with SSDT finally has new dates! Yes, I said dates as in plural. It’s going to be a 2-parter! November 28th and December 4th, hosted at the #PASS Global Hebrew Virtual Group.

Webinar: Advanced Dynamic Search Queries and How to Protect Them

First of all, I must apologize for the long hiatus since my last published content.
I’ve been busy working on a lot of very different stuff, and unfortunately this delayed me from actually completing any one particular thing.

One thing that I did complete, though, was preparing and submitting a webinar for the PASS Global Hebrew Virtual Group.

The webinar is called “Advanced Dynamic Search Queries and How to Protect Them”, and I will be presenting it on Tuesday, April 30th 2019, 13:00 UTC (15:00 Israel Time).