Oh, you’re seeing this?? Looks like it worked!
Haha! If you’re seeing this, it means I finally migrated to my new WordPress host successfully! Yeepee!
‘dis mah new home, you like? 🐸
Read More »Oh, you’re seeing this?? Looks like it worked!Haha! If you’re seeing this, it means I finally migrated to my new WordPress host successfully! Yeepee!
‘dis mah new home, you like? 🐸
Read More »Oh, you’re seeing this?? Looks like it worked!This month’s #tsqltuesday is hosted by Kenneth Fisher (b|t), who wants us to share stories about our first tech job (or first job ever if it makes for a good story).
My first job ever was delivering a magazine door-to-door in one neighborhood. It doesn’t actually make for a good story as it’s pretty bland and boring. Except maybe for how when I got my first paycheck (which was a measly 50 shekels for one morning’s work), I was so excited that my hands literally trembled and I had a stupid grin on my face that I couldn’t get rid of for the next hour or so (it’s stupid, I know, but come on, I was barely in high-school at the time).
I imagine that wasn’t very interesting, so I’ll tell you about my first real job (which was indeed a tech job).
Read More »T-SQL Tuesday #150 – My First Tech JobThis month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Mikey Bronowski, and asks us to share the tools of the trade that make our job awesome.
While I do feel that the tools that make my job the awesomest are those that help me with productivity, this month’s topic is a bit broader.
I’m publishing this post a week late, I know. But that’s all the more fitting, considering the contents of this post.
Read More »T-SQL Tuesday #134 – I WISH I could Take a BreakFollowing my presentation of “How to HADR Your SQL Server Jobs” at the HA/DR PASS Virtual Group yesterday, David Klee (@kleegeek) and I continued chatting for a bit longer after the recording was concluded. During which, the MSX/TSX feature of SQL Server came up, and David suggested that I’d utilize my newly earned MVP status to push a feature request to expand these capabilities.
Read More »Feature Request – Expand MSX/TSX Capabilities for HADRThis month, Elizabeth Noble is hosting #tsql2sday with the topic of automation. This is very similar to previous couple of T-SQL Tuesdays hosted by Ken Fisher (127) and Jess Pomfret (123). I already wrote about the topic of automation extensively in those past posts. So, instead of repeating myself, I’m gonna write about this topic a bit differently.
Read More »T-SQL Tuesday #130 – Eitan’s Laws of AutomationMy hard work and public contributions during these past few years continue to pay off in spades, and I’m excited to announce that I have finally received the Microsoft MVP award!
Read More »I’m now officially a Microsoft MVP!This month’s #tsql2sday is hosted by Ken Fisher (b|t) who asks us to share tips unrelated to database systems. I will take this opportunity to talk about what you can do to easily automate a lot of your daily tasks, and never miss a thing.
Read More »T-SQL Tuesday #127 – Tips and Tricks to Automate Your LifeConsidering the whole COVID-19 mess that is happening this year, events being cancelled and re-launched in a virtual form… Is it any wonder that the PASS Summit is joining the trend as well? I’d be quite disappointed if it hadn’t. So, great news!
Read More »PASS Summit 2020 has gone virtual – register now for a discount!This month’s #tsql2sday is hosted by the legendary Glenn Berry (b|t), and asks us about what we’ve been doing as a response to COVID-19. Madeira Data Solutions did quite a lot to chip in during these difficult times. Hopefully, it’s enough to make some kind of difference.
Read More »T-SQL Tuesday #126 – Responding to COVID-19