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We need to talk about the elephant in the room – the future of DBAs

Hey there, pull up a chair, and let’s have a real heart-to-heart about what we all know has been happening this past decade in the world of DBAs. Yeah, I know, not exactly what you were looking for in my mostly technical blog, but stick with me here because this talk we’re going to have… Is very, very important.

You see, in this past decade or so, we’ve all noticed a trend where more and more businesses are looking for DBAs who know a bit about everything: RDBMS, NoSQL, Key-Value databases, Cache Databases, Full-Text Search Databases, Vector Databases, and more. In response, more and more data professionals prefer to become multi-disciplinary, doing a bit of everything… Even if it means becoming a part-time Data Engineer / Data Analyst / Data Scientist / DevOps / whatever. Otherwise, they fear that they won’t be able to find enough job opportunities.

But, there’s a cost to that approach. Sometimes a very high cost.

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I’m speaking at the Data.TLV Summit 2023 in Israel

[EDIT] Due to the current ongoing situation between Israel and Palestine, the event was delayed to February 2024. For more details, please refer to the official Data TLV Summit website.

The Data TLV Summit in Israel is the single most biggest, largest, most amazingest annual summit in Israel for data enthusiasts, made by the community, for the community. The summit is taking place on November 2, 2023, and I will be delivering my most popular session there: Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs!

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This is a Call-to-Arms Against AI-Generated Content

As a productivity geek, I am very excited about the recent advancements in AI as a content-generating tool.

In fact, I have already started using ChatGPT as a writing assistant for my blog.

However, I am very careful with the content produced by it, as the currently available AI models are not trustworthy enough to produce 100% accurate content. As an expert in my field, it’s easy for me to curate and validate the content generated for me by AI, because I have the knowledge and expertise to do so. So, you can rest easy knowing that I’ll continue producing high-quality content 😉.

But what about people who don’t have a high level of expertise in the field in which they’re using AI for content generation? Even worse, what if they don’t care? What would happen when every shmoe gets access to AI and uses it to try and earn an easy buck by content generation? What happens when there’s an oversaturation of content generated by AI?

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From Good to Great: Boosting Your Performance as a DBA with the SPIN Sales Strategy


As a DBA, your job involves much more than just managing databases. You must also work with customers to understand their needs and provide solutions that meet their requirements. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can implement the SPIN sales strategy concepts as part of your job.

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