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I’m speaking at the Data.TLV Summit 2023 in Israel

[EDIT] Due to the current ongoing situation between Israel and Palestine, the event was delayed to February 2024. For more details, please refer to the official Data TLV Summit website.

The Data TLV Summit in Israel is the single most biggest, largest, most amazingest annual summit in Israel for data enthusiasts, made by the community, for the community. The summit is taking place on November 2, 2023, and I will be delivering my most popular session there: Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs!

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Understanding ‘ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed’ errors 4907, 4908, and 4912

Recently we’ve encountered an interesting use case for a customer.

They had a table with partitioning that they needed to be archived (with the help of said partitioning), but the ALTER TABLE SWITCH commands were failing with a peculiar error:

Error 4907, ‘ALTER TABLE SWITCH’ statement failed. The table ‘MyDB.dbo.PrtTable1’ has 4 partitions while index ‘IX1’ has 6 partitions.

This prompted some insightful research into some of the validations done by SQL Server behind the scenes when executing an ALTER TABLE SWITCH command.

Read More »Understanding ‘ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed’ errors 4907, 4908, and 4912

Solving the Latch Convoy Problem with OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY in SQL Server 2019

Have you ever come across an elusive SQL Server issue known as the “Latch Convoy Problem” or “Last Page Insert Contention”? It’s a rare and challenging problem to encounter in real-world scenarios. In fact, it’s so uncommon that many database professionals may go their entire careers without experiencing it firsthand. But sometimes, the unexpected happens, and you find yourself face to face with this elusive beast.

The Top 15 SQL Server Security Myths

As a SQL Server DBA, you are responsible for securing your organization’s critical data stored in SQL Server. However, there are many myths surrounding SQL Server security 🔒 that can lead to a false sense of security or even leave you vulnerable to attacks. In this blog post, I’ll be debunking the 15 most common security-related myths in SQL Server that every DBA should be aware of. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started! ☕

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This is a Call-to-Arms Against AI-Generated Content

As a productivity geek, I am very excited about the recent advancements in AI as a content-generating tool.

In fact, I have already started using ChatGPT as a writing assistant for my blog.

However, I am very careful with the content produced by it, as the currently available AI models are not trustworthy enough to produce 100% accurate content. As an expert in my field, it’s easy for me to curate and validate the content generated for me by AI, because I have the knowledge and expertise to do so. So, you can rest easy knowing that I’ll continue producing high-quality content 😉.

But what about people who don’t have a high level of expertise in the field in which they’re using AI for content generation? Even worse, what if they don’t care? What would happen when every shmoe gets access to AI and uses it to try and earn an easy buck by content generation? What happens when there’s an oversaturation of content generated by AI?

Read More »This is a Call-to-Arms Against AI-Generated Content

From Good to Great: Boosting Your Performance as a DBA with the SPIN Sales Strategy


As a DBA, your job involves much more than just managing databases. You must also work with customers to understand their needs and provide solutions that meet their requirements. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can implement the SPIN sales strategy concepts as part of your job.

Read More »From Good to Great: Boosting Your Performance as a DBA with the SPIN Sales Strategy