Edit: The second session was moved to December 4th. Update your calendars!
If you recall, I had to cancel my CI and CD with SSDT webinar a while ago, and promised an update once I re-schedule it. Well, that time is now! With a few tiny changes, though…
After a screening test in front of a live audience, it turned out that my planned presentation was at least twice as long than I first thought it was. So, naturally, I decided to split it into two parts.
Part 1: Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs
Next Thursday, the 28th of November, 2019, I will be presenting the first part of this 2-part session series, in the PASS Hebrew Virtual Group.
Before we can dive into SSDT, we must all be on the same page and understand the terms and methodologies used in the world of software development lifecycles. After all, with the power of SSDT, we the DBAs also become a part of this world!
In the first session, titled Development Lifecycle Basics for DBAs, we will learn: What is Git Source Control? What are CI/CD Pipelines? What are Unit Tests? These are all topics that each DBA must familiarize themselves with before integrating with the software development lifecycle using SSDT (or any other tool, actually).
Other resources:
- Herbew SQL Forum in MSDN Social Groups
- Data Platform Facebook Group
- Event in Eitan Blumin’s Facebook Page
Part 2: Methodology and Features for DB DevOps
About one week after the first session, on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019, I will be presenting the 2nd session in the PASS Hebrew Virtual Group.
In the second session, we will cover the rich tools, features, and methodologies in SSDT that allow DBAs to implement a continuous database development lifecycle.
We will also learn about solutions to common fears and objections coming from naysayers, common problems while starting with SSDT for the first time, and various problematic edge cases and how to solve them.
Other resources:
- Event on Eitan’s Facebook Page
- More TBA
Since these sessions are presented at the Hebrew Global Virtual Group, they will be delivered in the Hebrew language, although the slides deck itself will be in English. For the non-Hebrew speakers among you, not to worry! I’ve got something planned for you guys as well (fingers crossed).
ATTENTION: The 2nd session was moved to December 4th. Update your calendars!
Sorry for any inconvenience. Don’t forget, these sessions will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube later. Don’t miss it!