Looking for an online reference page for the rules run by the SQL Vulnerability Assessment tool? Personally, I’ve been looking for such a page for a while now, but never found one. So eventually, I figured “why not do it myself?”. Cool script attached!
This page was last updated on: 2022-06-03, with a total of 41 rules.
Generated using SSMS v19.0 Preview 2 (build version 16.0.19056.0)
EDIT: Since I published this reference page initially on January 16th, 2020, Microsoft themselves have created their own version of such a reference list, specifically dedicated to their “cloud version” of the vulnerability assessment, available as part of “Azure Defender for SQL”. It’s available here: SQL Vulnerability Assessment rules reference guide (Microsoft Docs), and the changelog is available here. However, their page only contains minimal information, and does not include detailed information such as the “rationale”, the “query”, and the “remediation” sections of the assessment.
A table of contents is available below. Click on the description of each rule for more details, including the relevant T-SQL query and corresponding remediation details. There’s also an anchor link for each rule, for easy reference.
Disclaimer: The information below is copyrighted to the Microsoft Corporation. I do not hold any rights to it, and it is publicly available to everyone downloading SQL Server Management Studio between versions 18.12.1 and 19.0, and running a Vulnerability Assessment on any SQL Server database.
(The SQL Vulnerability Assessment feature was removed as of SSMS 19.1. Click here for more details)
Auditing And Logging – 3 rule(s)
Severity: High
VA1258: Database owners are as expected
Applies To: Database owners can perform all configuration and maintenance activities on the database, and can also drop databases in SQL Server. Tracking database owners is important to avoid having excessive permission for some principals. Create a baseline which defines the expected database owners for the database. This rule checks whether the database owners are as defined in the baseline.Rationale:Keeping track of database owners is important to avoid granting excessive permissions. Query:SELECT USER_NAME(member_principal_id) AS [Owner] FROM sys.database_role_members WHERE USER_NAME(role_principal_id) = 'db_owner' AND USER_NAME(member_principal_id) != 'dbo' Remediation:Keep track of database owners. Remove unnecessary database owners to avoid granting excessive permissions or update the baseline to reflect the approved list of owners. ALTER ROLE db_owner DROP MEMBER [$0] |
Severity: Medium
VA1265: Auditing of both successful and failed login attempts for contained DB authentication should be enabled
Applies To: SQL Server auditing configuration enables adminstrators to track users logging to SQL Server instances that they’re responsible for. This rules checks that auditing is enabled for both successful and failed login attempts for contained DB authentication.Rationale:Logging successful & failed login attempts provides information that can be used to detect brute-force based password attacks against the system as well as forensic information. Query:DECLARE @check_results INT = 0; DECLARE @violation INT = 1; SELECT @check_results = containment FROM sys.databases WHERE name = db_name(); PRINT @check_results IF( @check_results != 0 ) BEGIN DECLARE @success_logon_event INT = 0; DECLARE @fail_logon_event INT = 0; SELECT @success_logon_event = Count(*) FROM sys.server_audits adts, sys.server_audit_specifications srvadtspecs, sys.server_audit_specification_details srvadtspecdtls WHERE adts.audit_guid = srvadtspecs.audit_guid AND adts.is_state_enabled = 1 AND srvadtspecs.is_state_enabled = 1 AND srvadtspecdtls.audited_result = 'SUCCESS AND FAILURE' AND srvadtspecdtls.audit_action_id = 'DAGS'; SELECT @fail_logon_event = Count(*) FROM sys.server_audits adts, sys.server_audit_specifications srvadtspecs, sys.server_audit_specification_details srvadtspecdtls WHERE adts.audit_guid = srvadtspecs.audit_guid AND adts.is_state_enabled = 1 AND srvadtspecs.is_state_enabled = 1 AND srvadtspecdtls.audited_result = 'SUCCESS AND FAILURE' AND srvadtspecdtls.audit_action_id = 'DAGF'; DECLARE @db_success_logon_event INT = 0; DECLARE @db_fail_logon_event INT = 0; SELECT @db_success_logon_event = Count(*) FROM sys.server_audits adts, sys.database_audit_specifications dbadtspecs, sys.database_audit_specification_details dbadtspecdtls WHERE adts.audit_guid = dbadtspecs.audit_guid AND adts.is_state_enabled = 1 AND dbadtspecs.is_state_enabled = 1 AND dbadtspecdtls.audited_result = 'SUCCESS AND FAILURE' AND dbadtspecdtls.audit_action_id = 'DAGS'; SELECT @db_fail_logon_event = Count(*) FROM sys.server_audits adts, sys.database_audit_specifications dbadtspecs, sys.database_audit_specification_details dbadtspecdtls WHERE adts.audit_guid = dbadtspecs.audit_guid AND adts.is_state_enabled = 1 AND dbadtspecs.is_state_enabled = 1 AND dbadtspecdtls.audited_result = 'SUCCESS AND FAILURE' AND dbadtspecdtls.audit_action_id = 'DAGF'; IF( ( @success_logon_event + @db_success_logon_event ) > 0 AND ( @fail_logon_event + @db_fail_logon_event ) > 0 ) SET @violation = 0; END ELSE BEGIN SET @violation = 0; -- ignore if DB is not contained END SELECT @violation AS [Violation] Remediation:Create and enable a new SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION that will audit FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP & SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN_GROUP events. This SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION must target a valid SERVER AUDIT object that is enabled. CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION [DbAuditSpec_db_logon_information_failed_succeessful] FOR SERVER AUDIT [] ADD (FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP), ADD (SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP) WITH (STATE = ON) |
VA1281: All memberships for user-defined roles should be intended
Applies To: User-defined roles are security principals defined by the user to group principals to easily manage permissions. Monitoring these roles is important to avoid having excessive permissions. Create a baseline which defines expected membership for each user-defined role. This rule checks whether all memberships for user-defined roles are as defined in the baselineRationale:Keeping track of role memberships is important to avoid granting excessive permissions Query:SELECT user_name(role_principal_id) AS [Role], user_name(member_principal_id) AS [Member] FROM sys.database_role_members WHERE role_principal_id NOT IN (16384,16385,16386,16387,16389,16390,16391,16392,16393) Remediation:Keep track of role membership and remove unnecessary members from roles to avoid granting excessive permissions or update baseline to comply with new changes ALTER ROLE [$0] DROP MEMBER [$1] |
Authentication And Authorization – 20 rule(s)
Severity: High
VA1020: Database user GUEST should not be a member of any role
Applies To: The guest user permits access to a database for any logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. This rule checks that no database roles are assigned to the Guest user.Rationale:Database Roles are the basic building block at the heart of separation of duties and the principle of least permission. Granting the Guest user membership to specific roles defeats this purpose. Query:SELECT name as [Role] FROM sys.database_role_members AS drms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dps ON drms.role_principal_id = dps.principal_id WHERE member_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('guest') Remediation:Remove the special user GUEST from all roles. ALTER ROLE [$0] DROP MEMBER GUEST |
VA1048: Database principals should not be mapped to the sa account
Applies To: A database principal that is mapped to the sa account can be exploited by an attacker to elevate permissions to sysadmin.Rationale:This enables privileged principals on a database to perform operations on other databases that have ownership chaining enabled – specifically msdb. An attacker can then exploit msdb to become sysadmin. Query:SELECT name AS [Principal] , SUSER_SNAME(sid) AS [Login] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE sid = 0x01 AND principal_id != 1 Remediation:Change the login associated with the offending user and investigate why this user exists. DECLARE @newlogin sysname = 'investigate_VA1048_' + convert(nvarchar(50),newid()); DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(max); SET @cmd = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + quotename(@newlogin) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ''' + convert(nvarchar(50),newid()) + ''', CHECK_POLICY = OFF;'; SET @cmd = @cmd + 'ALTER LOGIN ' + quotename(@newlogin) + ' DISABLE;'; SET @cmd = @cmd + 'ALTER USER [$0] WITH LOGIN = ' + quotename(@newlogin) + ';' EXEC( @cmd ) |
VA2020: Minimal set of principals should be granted ALTER or ALTER ANY USER database-scoped permissions
Applies To: Every SQL Server securable has permissions associated with it that can be granted to principals. Permissions can be scoped at the server level (assigned to logins and server roles) or at the database level (assigned to database users and database roles). These rules check that only a minimal set of principals are granted ALTER or ALTER ANY USER database-scoped permissions.Rationale:Developing an application using a least-privileged user account (LUA) approach is an important part of a defensive, in-depth strategy for countering security threats. The LUA approach ensures that users follow the principle of least privilege and always log on with limited user accounts. Administrative tasks are broken out using fixed server roles, and the use of the sysadmin fixed server role is severely restricted. Always follow the principle of least privilege when granting permissions to database users. Grant the minimum permissions necessary to a user or role to accomplish a given task. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb669084(v=vs.110).aspx. Query:SELECT perms.class_desc AS [Permission Class] ,perms.permission_name AS [Permission] ,type_desc AS [Principal Type] ,prin.name AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE permission_name IN ( 'ALTER' ,'ALTER ANY USER' ) AND user_name(grantee_principal_id) NOT IN ( 'guest' ,'public' ) AND perms.class = 0 AND [state] IN ('G','W') AND NOT ( prin.type = 'S' AND prin.name = 'dbo' AND prin.authentication_type = 1 AND prin.owning_principal_id IS NULL ) Remediation:Revoke permissions from principals where not needed. It is recommended to have at most 1 principal granted a specific permission. REVOKE $1 FROM [$3] |
VA2108: Minimal set of principals should be members of fixed high impact database roles
Applies To: SQL Server provides roles to help manage the permissions. Roles are security principals that group other principals. Database-level roles are database-wide in their permission scope. This rule checks that a minimal set of principals are members of the fixed database roles.Rationale:Fixed database roles may have administrative permissions on the system. Following the principle of least privilege, it is important to minimize membership in fixed database roles and keep a baseline of these memberships. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles for additional information on database roles. Query:SELECT user_name(sr.member_principal_id) AS [Principal] ,user_name(sr.role_principal_id) AS [Role] ,type_desc AS [Principal Type] FROM sys.database_role_members AS sr INNER JOIN sys.database_principals sp ON sp.principal_id = sr.member_principal_id WHERE sr.role_principal_id IN ( user_id('bulkadmin'), user_id('db_accessadmin'), user_id('db_securityadmin'), user_id('db_ddladmin'), user_id('db_backupoperator')) OR (sr.role_principal_id = user_id('db_owner') AND sr.member_principal_id user_id('dbo')) Remediation:Remove members who should not have access to the database role ALTER ROLE [$1] DROP MEMBER [$0] |
VA2129: Changes to signed modules should be authorized
Applies To: You can sign a stored procedure, function or trigger with a certificate or an asymmetric key. This is designed for scenarios when permissions cannot be inherited through ownership chaining or when the ownership chain is broken, such as dynamic SQL. This rule checks for changes made to signed modules which could be an indication of malicious use.Rationale:Changes made to the contents of a signed module or to the certificate or asymmetric key that is used to sign it, as well as the introduction of new signed modules could be an an indication of an attack. Setting the known signed modules as a baseline allows you to easily detect changes made, and to evaluate whether the changes are intended. Query:SELECT QUOTENAME(sc.name) + '.' + QUOTENAME(oj.name) AS [Module] ,IIF(ct.certificate_id IS NOT NULL, ct.name, ak.name) AS [Signing Object] ,dp.name AS [Signing Object Owner] ,cp.thumbprint AS [Signing Object Thumbprint] ,oj.modify_date AS [Last Definition Modify Date] ,IIF(ct.certificate_id IS NOT NULL, 'CERTIFICATE', 'ASYMMETRIC KEY') AS [Signing Object Type] -- For debbuging, uncomment following lines: -- ,IIF(ct.principal_id IS NOT NULL, SUSER_NAME(ct.principal_id), SUSER_NAME(ak.principal_id)) AS [Owner_Name] -- ,oj.type_desc -- ,crypt_type -- ,md.DEFINITION -- ,IIF(ct.subject IS NOT NULL, ct.subject, 'N/A') AS [Certificate Subject] -- ,IIF(ct.certificate_id IS NOT NULL, IS_OBJECTSIGNED('OBJECT', oj.object_id, 'certificate', cp.thumbprint), IS_OBJECTSIGNED('OBJECT', oj.object_id, 'asymmetric key', cp.thumbprint)) AS [Is Object Signed] FROM sys.crypt_properties AS cp INNER JOIN sys.objects AS oj ON cp.major_id = oj.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS sc ON oj.schema_id = sc.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.sql_modules AS md ON md.object_id = cp.major_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.certificates AS ct ON cp.thumbprint = ct.thumbprint LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.asymmetric_keys AS ak ON cp.thumbprint = ak.thumbprint LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dp ON (ct.sid = dp.sid OR ak.sid = dp.sid) WHERE oj.type IN ('P','FN','TR') AND cp.class_desc = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN' Remediation:Baseline or remove the signature from the modules |
Severity: Medium
VA1043: Principal GUEST should not have access to any user database
Applies To: The guest user permits access to a database for any logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. This rule checks that the guest user cannot connect to any database.Rationale:The special user GUEST is used to map any login that otherwise has no access to the database. This can result in principals gaining access to a database without having been explicitly granted permission to do so. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS usrs ON grantee_principal_id = principal_id WHERE grantee_principal_id = Database_principal_id('guest') AND perms.type = 'CO' AND [state] IN ('G', 'W') ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] Remediation:Remove all permissions granted to GUEST, especially the connect permission REVOKE CONNECT FROM [GUEST] |
VA1095: Excessive permissions should not be granted to PUBLIC role
Applies To: Every SQL Server login belongs to the public server role. When a server principal has not been granted or denied specific permissions on a securable object, the user inherits the permissions granted to public on that object. This displays a list of all permissions that are granted to the PUBLIC role.Rationale:Database Roles are the basic building block at the heart of separation of duties and the principle of least permission. Granting permissions to principals through the default PUBLIC role defeats this purpose. Query:SELECT REPLACE(perms.class_desc, '_', ' ') AS [Permission Class] ,CASE WHEN perms.class = 0 THEN db_name() -- database WHEN perms.class = 3 THEN schema_name(major_id) -- schema WHEN perms.class = 4 THEN printarget.NAME -- principal WHEN perms.class = 5 THEN asm.NAME -- assembly WHEN perms.class = 6 THEN type_name(major_id) -- type WHEN perms.class = 10 THEN xmlsc.NAME -- xml schema WHEN perms.class = 15 THEN msgt.NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- message types WHEN perms.class = 16 THEN svcc.NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- service contracts WHEN perms.class = 17 THEN svcs.NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- services WHEN perms.class = 18 THEN rsb.NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- remote service bindings WHEN perms.class = 19 THEN rts.NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- routes WHEN perms.class = 23 THEN ftc.NAME -- full text catalog WHEN perms.class = 24 THEN sym.NAME -- symmetric key WHEN perms.class = 25 THEN crt.NAME -- certificate WHEN perms.class = 26 THEN asym.NAME -- assymetric key END AS [Object] ,perms.permission_name AS [Permission] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON perms.major_id = asm.assembly_id LEFT JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS xmlsc ON perms.major_id = xmlsc.xml_collection_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_message_types AS msgt ON perms.major_id = msgt.message_type_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_contracts AS svcc ON perms.major_id = svcc.service_contract_id LEFT JOIN sys.services AS svcs ON perms.major_id = svcs.service_id LEFT JOIN sys.remote_service_bindings AS rsb ON perms.major_id = rsb.remote_service_binding_id LEFT JOIN sys.routes AS rts ON perms.major_id = rts.route_id LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS printarget ON perms.major_id = printarget.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.symmetric_keys AS sym ON perms.major_id = sym.symmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.asymmetric_keys AS asym ON perms.major_id = asym.asymmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.certificates AS crt ON perms.major_id = crt.certificate_id LEFT JOIN sys.fulltext_catalogs AS ftc ON perms.major_id = ftc.fulltext_catalog_id WHERE perms.grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('public') AND class != 1 -- Object or Columns (class = 1) are handled by VA1054 and have different remediation syntax AND [state] IN ('G','W') AND NOT ( perms.class = 0 AND prin.NAME = 'public' AND perms.major_id = 0 AND perms.minor_id = 0 AND permission_name IN ( 'VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITION' ,'VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITION' ) ) Remediation:Revoke any unnecessary permissions granted to PUBLIC, but avoid changing permissions granted out of the box. REVOKE $2 ON $0::[$1] FROM PUBLIC |
VA1248: User-defined database roles should not be members of fixed roles
Applies To: To easily manage the permissions in your databases, SQL Server provides several roles which are security principals that group other principals. They are like groups in the Microsoft Windows operating system. Database accounts and other SQL Server roles can be added into database-level roles. Each member of a fixed-database role can add other users to that same role. This rule checks that no user-defined roles are members of fixed rolesRationale:Adding user defined database roles as members of fixed roles could enable unintended privilege escalation, also finding any metadata indicating that the fixed roles have been modified is typically a sign of data corruption or signs of somebody corrupting the metadata in order to hide unusual activity. Query:SELECT user_name(roles.role_principal_id) as [Role], user_name(roles.member_principal_id) as [Member] FROM sys.database_role_members AS roles, sys.database_principals users WHERE roles.member_principal_id = users.principal_id AND ( roles.role_principal_id >= 16384 AND roles.role_principal_id <= 16393) AND users.type = 'R' Remediation:Remove user defined roles from fixed-database roles ALTER ROLE [$0] DROP MEMBER [$1] |
VA1267: Contained users should use Windows Authentication
Applies To: Contained users are users that exist within the database, and do not require a login mapping. This rule checks that contained users use Windows Authentication.Rationale:Authentication must be centrally managed in order to enforce the domain password policies. Query:SELECT NAME AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE authentication_type = 2 Remediation:Remove all contained users with password. All affected applications will have to switch to Windows authentication, or create logins with password policy enforcement in order to connect to the DB. DROP USER [$0]; |
Severity: Low
VA1054: Excessive permissions should not be granted to PUBLIC role on objects or columns
Applies To: Every SQL Server login belongs to the public server role. When a server principal has not been granted or denied specific permissions on a securable object, the user inherits the permissions granted to public on that object. This rule displays a list of all securable objects or columns that are accessible to all users through the PUBLIC role.Rationale:Database Roles are the basic building block at the heart of separation of duties and the principle of least permission. Granting permissions to principals through the default PUBLIC role defeats this purpose. Query:SELECT permission_name AS [Permission] ,schema_name AS [Schema] ,object_name AS [Object] FROM ( SELECT objs.TYPE COLLATE database_default AS object_type ,schema_name(schema_id) COLLATE database_default AS schema_name ,objs.name COLLATE database_default AS object_name ,user_name(grantor_principal_id) COLLATE database_default AS grantor_principal_name ,permission_name COLLATE database_default AS permission_name ,perms.TYPE COLLATE database_default AS TYPE ,STATE COLLATE database_default AS STATE FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.objects AS objs ON objs.object_id = perms.major_id WHERE perms.class = 1 -- objects or columns. Other cases are handled by VA1095 which has different remediation syntax AND grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('public') AND [state] IN ( 'G' ,'W' ) AND NOT ( -- These permissions are granted by default to public permission_name = 'EXECUTE' AND schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo' AND STATE = 'G' AND objs.name IN ( 'fn_sysdac_is_dac_creator' ,'fn_sysdac_is_currentuser_sa' ,'fn_sysdac_is_login_creator' ,'fn_sysdac_get_username' ,'sp_sysdac_ensure_dac_creator' ,'sp_sysdac_add_instance' ,'sp_sysdac_add_history_entry' ,'sp_sysdac_delete_instance' ,'sp_sysdac_upgrade_instance' ,'sp_sysdac_drop_database' ,'sp_sysdac_rename_database' ,'sp_sysdac_setreadonly_database' ,'sp_sysdac_rollback_committed_step' ,'sp_sysdac_update_history_entry' ,'sp_sysdac_resolve_pending_entry' ,'sp_sysdac_rollback_pending_object' ,'sp_sysdac_rollback_all_pending_objects' ,'fn_sysdac_get_currentusername' ) OR permission_name = 'SELECT' AND schema_name(schema_id) = 'sys' AND STATE = 'G' AND objs.name IN ( 'firewall_rules' ,'database_firewall_rules' ,'ipv6_database_firewall_rules' ,'bandwidth_usage' ,'database_usage' ,'external_library_setup_errors' ,'sql_feature_restrictions' ,'resource_stats' ,'elastic_pool_resource_stats' ,'dm_database_copies' ,'geo_replication_links' ,'database_error_stats' ,'event_log' ,'database_connection_stats' ) OR permission_name = 'SELECT' AND schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo' AND STATE = 'G' AND objs.name IN ( 'sysdac_instances_internal' ,'sysdac_history_internal' ,'sysdac_instances' ) ) ) t Remediation:Revoke unnecessary permissions granted to PUBLIC REVOKE $0 ON [$1].[$2] FROM PUBLIC |
VA1070: Database users shouldn’t share the same name as a server login
Applies To: Database users may share the same name as a server login. This rule validates that there are no such users to avoid confusion.Rationale:Logins are created at the server level, while users are created at the database level. There are different types of users. Users with login are mapped to server level logins. Users with passwords can be created on a specific database, but are not mapped to server logins. This rule checks that users with passwords do not have the same name as any SQL login, as that can lead to false assessments of access rights. Query:SELECT dp.NAME AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_principals AS dp JOIN sys.server_principals AS sp ON dp.NAME = sp.NAME COLLATE database_default WHERE dp.sid != sp.sid AND dp.authentication_type = 2 Remediation:You should rename the affected users or logins to avoid the confusion. This requires updating all applications which are using those as credentials as well. |
VA1094: Database permissions shouldn’t be granted directly to principals
Applies To: Permissions are rules associated with a securable object to regulate which users can gain access to the object. This rule checks that there are no DB permissions granted directly to users.Rationale:Individuals change organizations & job descriptions over time. It is highly recommended to use a centralized access control management through AD group membership. Query:SELECT permission_name AS [Permission], ISNULL(Schema_name(objs.schema_id), Replace(dp.class_desc, '_', ' ')) AS [Permission Class], CASE WHEN Schema_name(objs.schema_id) IS NULL THEN '::' ELSE '.' End AS [Class Separator], CASE WHEN dp.class = 0 THEN Db_name() -- database WHEN dp.class = 1 THEN objs.NAME -- Object or Column (VA1286) WHEN dp.class = 3 THEN Schema_name(major_id) -- schema WHEN dp.class = 4 THEN printarget.NAME -- principal WHEN dp.class = 5 THEN asm.NAME -- assembly WHEN dp.class = 6 THEN Type_name(major_id) -- type WHEN dp.class = 10 THEN xmlsc.NAME -- xml schema WHEN dp.class = 15 THEN msgt.NAME COLLATE database_default -- message types WHEN dp.class = 16 THEN svcc.NAME COLLATE database_default -- service contracts WHEN dp.class = 17 THEN svcs.NAME COLLATE database_default -- services WHEN dp.class = 18 THEN rsb.NAME COLLATE database_default -- remote service bindings WHEN dp.class = 19 THEN rts.NAME COLLATE database_default -- routes WHEN dp.class = 23 THEN ftc.NAME -- full text catalog WHEN dp.class = 24 THEN sym.NAME -- symmetric key WHEN dp.class = 25 THEN crt.NAME -- certificate WHEN dp.class = 26 THEN asym.NAME -- assymetric key END AS [Object], prin.NAME AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_permissions AS dp LEFT JOIN sys.all_objects AS objs ON objs.object_id = dp.major_id LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON dp.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON dp.major_id = asm.assembly_id LEFT JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS xmlsc ON dp.major_id = xmlsc.xml_collection_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_message_types AS msgt ON dp.major_id = msgt.message_type_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_contracts AS svcc ON dp.major_id = svcc.service_contract_id LEFT JOIN sys.services AS svcs ON dp.major_id = svcs.service_id LEFT JOIN sys.remote_service_bindings AS rsb ON dp.major_id = rsb.remote_service_binding_id LEFT JOIN sys.routes AS rts ON dp.major_id = rts.route_id LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS printarget ON dp.major_id = printarget.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.symmetric_keys AS sym ON dp.major_id = sym.symmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.asymmetric_keys AS asym ON dp.major_id = asym.asymmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.certificates AS crt ON dp.major_id = crt.certificate_id LEFT JOIN sys.fulltext_catalogs AS ftc ON dp.major_id = ftc.fulltext_catalog_id WHERE (prin.type = 'S' OR prin.type = 'W') AND dp.type != 'CO' AND prin.NAME NOT IN ( '##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##', '##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin##' ) AND [state] IN ('G','W') Remediation:Revoke permissions granted to users directly. Instead use Windows groups or server roles to grant permissions, and manage role memberships instead. REVOKE $0 ON $1$2[$3] FROM [$4] |
VA1096: Principal GUEST should not be granted permissions in the database
Applies To: Each database includes a user called GUEST. Permissions granted to GUEST are inherited by users who have access to the database, but who do not have a user account in the database. This rule checks that all permissions have been revoked from the GUEST user.Rationale:The special user GUEST is used to map any logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. This can result in principals gaining access to a database without having been explicitly granted permission to do so. Query:SELECT perms.permission_name AS [Permission] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE prin.[name] = 'guest' AND perms.class = 0 AND [state] IN ('G', 'W') Remediation:Revoke any unnecessary permissions granted to the special account GUEST REVOKE $0 FROM GUEST |
VA1097: Principal GUEST should not be granted permissions on objects or columns
Applies To: Each database includes a user called GUEST. Permissions granted to GUEST are inherited by users who have access to the database, but who do not have a user account in the database. This rule checks that all permissions have been revoked from the GUEST user.Rationale:The special user GUEST is used to map any logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. This can result in principals gaining access to a database without having been explicitly granted permission to do so. Query:SELECT object_schema_name(major_id) AS [Schema] ,object_name(major_id) AS [Object] ,perms.permission_name AS [Permission] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('guest') AND perms.class = 1 AND [state] IN ('G','W') Remediation:Revoke any unnecessary permissions granted to the special account GUEST REVOKE $2 ON [$0].[$1] FROM GUEST |
VA1099: GUEST user should not be granted permissions on database securables
Applies To: Each database includes a user called GUEST. Permissions granted to GUEST are inherited by users who have access to the database, but who do not have a user account in the database. This rule checks that all permissions have been revoked from the GUEST user.Rationale:The special user GUEST is used to map any logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. This can result in principals gaining access to a database without having been explicitly granted permission to do so. Query:SELECT REPLACE(perms.class_desc, '_', ' ') AS [Permission Class], CASE WHEN perms.class=3 THEN schema_name(major_id) -- schema WHEN perms.class=4 THEN printarget.name -- principal WHEN perms.class=5 THEN asm.name -- assembly WHEN perms.class=6 THEN type_name(major_id) -- type WHEN perms.class=10 THEN xmlsc.name -- xml schema WHEN perms.class=15 THEN msgt.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- message types WHEN perms.class=16 THEN svcc.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- service contracts WHEN perms.class=17 THEN svcs.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- services WHEN perms.class=18 THEN rsb.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- remote service bindings WHEN perms.class=19 THEN rts.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT -- routes WHEN perms.class=23 THEN ftc.name -- full text catalog WHEN perms.class=24 then sym.name -- symmetric key WHEN perms.class=25 then crt.name -- certificate WHEN perms.class=26 then asym.name -- assymetric key END AS [Object], perms.permission_name AS [Permission] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON perms.major_id = asm.assembly_id LEFT JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS xmlsc ON perms.major_id = xmlsc.xml_collection_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_message_types AS msgt ON perms.major_id = msgt.message_type_id LEFT JOIN sys.service_contracts AS svcc ON perms.major_id = svcc.service_contract_id LEFT JOIN sys.services AS svcs ON perms.major_id = svcs.service_id LEFT JOIN sys.remote_service_bindings AS rsb ON perms.major_id = rsb.remote_service_binding_id LEFT JOIN sys.routes AS rts ON perms.major_id = rts.route_id LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS printarget ON perms.major_id = printarget.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.symmetric_keys AS sym On perms.major_id = sym.symmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.asymmetric_keys AS asym ON perms.major_id = asym.asymmetric_key_id LEFT JOIN sys.certificates AS crt ON perms.major_id = crt.certificate_id LEFT JOIN sys.fulltext_catalogs AS ftc ON perms.major_id = ftc.fulltext_catalog_id WHERE grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('guest') AND class in (3,4,5,6,10,15,16,17,18,19,23,24,25,26) AND [state] IN ('G','W') Remediation:Revoke any unnecessary permissions granted to the special account GUEST REVOKE $2 ON $0::[$1] FROM GUEST |
VA1246: Application roles should not be used
Applies To: An application role is a database principal that enables an application to run with its own user-like permissions. Application roles enable that only users connecting through a particular application can access specific data. Application roles are password-based (which applications typically hardcode) and not permission based, which exposes the database to approle impersonation by password-guessing. This rule checks that no application roles are defined in the database.Rationale:It is important to limit the possibility of acquiring user-like permissions to the database, and since application roles are password based, they can lead to impersonation of the application role via password-guessing. Query:SELECT name AS [Role] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type = 'A' Remediation:Remove the application roles. Use users without login as a permission-based replacement DROP APPLICATION ROLE [$0] |
VA1282: Orphan database roles should be removed
Applies To: Orphan database roles are user-defined roles that have no members. It is recommended to eliminate orphaned roles as they are not needed on the system. This rule checks whether there are any orphan rolesRationale:Reduce the attack surface area by eliminating unnecessary database roles in the system. Query:SELECT name AS [Role] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type = 'R' AND principal_id not in (0,16384,16385,16386,16387,16389,16390,16391,16392,16393) AND principal_id not in ( SELECT distinct role_principal_id FROM sys.database_role_members ) Remediation:Drop the unnecessary database roles. DROP ROLE [$0] |
VA2033: Minimal set of principals should be granted EXECUTE permission on objects or columns
Applies To: This rule checks which principals are granted EXECUTE permission on objects or columns to ensure this permission is granted to a minimal set of principals. Every SQL Server securable has permissions associated with it that can be granted to principals. Permissions can be scoped at the server level (assigned to logins and server roles) or at the database level (assigned to database users, database roles or application roles). The EXECUTE permission applies to both stored procedures and scalar functions, which can be used in computed columns.Rationale:Developing an application using a least-privileged user account (LUA) approach is an important part of a defensive, in-depth strategy for countering security threats. The LUA approach ensures that users follow the principle of least privilege and always log on with limited user accounts. Administrative tasks are broken out using fixed server roles, and the use of the sysadmin fixed server role is severely restricted. Always follow the principle of least privilege when granting permissions to database users. Grant the minimum permissions necessary to a user or role to accomplish a given task. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb669084(v=vs.110).aspx. Query:IF object_id('tempdb.dbo.#entries_to_exclude_va2033', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #entries_to_exclude_va2033; CREATE TABLE #entries_to_exclude_va2033 ( object_name VARCHAR(64), state_desc VARCHAR(24), prin_name VARCHAR(64), user_name VARCHAR(20), prin_type CHAR(1) ) INSERT INTO #entries_to_exclude_va2033 (object_name, state_desc, prin_name, user_name, prin_type) VALUES ('sp_add_job', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobschedule', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobserver', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobstep', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addtask', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_job', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobschedule', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobserver', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobstep', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_droptask', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_post_msx_operation', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_start_job', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stop_job', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_job', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_jobschedule', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_jobstep', 'DENY', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_events_reader', 'GRANT', '##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##', 'dbo', 'S') ,('sp_syspolicy_execute_policy', 'GRANT', '##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##', 'dbo', 'S') ,('fn_cColvEntries_80', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_check_parameters', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_decrement_lsn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_get_column_ordinal', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_get_max_lsn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_get_min_lsn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_has_column_changed', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_hexstrtobin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_increment_lsn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_is_bit_set', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_fIsColTracked', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_GetCurrentPrincipal', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_GetRowsetIdFromRowDump', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_hadr_is_primary_replica', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_hadr_is_same_replica', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_IsBitSetInBitmask', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_isrolemember', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MapSchemaType', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSdayasnumber', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSgeneration_downloadonly', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSget_dynamic_filter_login', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSorbitmaps', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSrepl_map_resolver_clsid', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MStestbit', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_MSvector_downloadonly', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_numberOf1InBinaryAfterLoc', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_numberOf1InVarBinary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_PhysLocFormatter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_repl_hash_binary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_repladjustcolumnmap', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_repldecryptver4', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replformatdatetime', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replgetparsedddlcmd', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replp2pversiontotranid', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replreplacesinglequote', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replreplacesinglequoteplusprotectstring', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_repluniquename', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_replvarbintoint', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sqlvarbasetostr', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysdac_get_currentusername', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysdac_get_username', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysdac_is_currentuser_sa', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysdac_is_dac_creator', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysdac_is_login_creator', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_syspolicy_is_automation_enabled', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_varbintohexstr', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_varbintohexsubstring', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_yukonsecuritymodelrequired', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeographyCollectionAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeographyConvexHullAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeographyEnvelopeAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeographyUnionAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeometryCollectionAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeometryConvexHullAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeometryEnvelopeAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('GeometryUnionAggregate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('ORMask', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_agent_parameter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_agent_profile', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_log_shipping_alert_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_log_shipping_primary_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_log_shipping_primary_secondary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_primary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addapprole', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addarticle', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddatatype', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddatatypemapping', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddistpublisher', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddistributiondb', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddistributor', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addextendedproperty', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_AddFunctionalUnitToComponent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addlinkedserver', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addlinkedsrvlogin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addlogin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addlogreader_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergealternatepublisher', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergearticle', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergefilter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergelogsettings', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergepartition', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergepublication', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergepullsubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergepushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmergesubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addmessage', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addpublication', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addpublication_snapshot', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addpullsubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addpullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addpushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addqreader_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addqueued_artinfo', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addremotelogin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addrole', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addrolemember', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addscriptexec', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addserver', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsrvrolemember', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsubscriber', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsubscriber_schedule', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsynctriggers', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addsynctriggerscore', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addtabletocontents', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addtype', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addumpdevice', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adduser', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_altermessage', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_approlepassword', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_article_validation', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_articlecolumn', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_articlefilter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_articleview', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assemblies_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assemblies_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assemblies_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assembly_dependencies_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assembly_dependencies_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_assembly_dependencies_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_attach_db', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_attach_single_file_db', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_attachsubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_audit_write', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_autostats', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_availability_group_command_internal', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_begin_parallel_nested_tran', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_bindefault', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_bindrule', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_bindsession', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_browsemergesnapshotfolder', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_browsereplcmds', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_browsesnapshotfolder', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_can_tlog_be_applied', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_catalogs', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_catalogs_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_catalogs_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_add_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_change_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_dbsnapshotLSN', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_disable_db', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_disable_table', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_drop_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_enable_db', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_enable_table', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_generate_wrapper_function', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_get_captured_columns', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_get_ddl_history', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_help_jobs', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_restoredb', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_scan', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_start_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_stop_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_vupgrade', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cdc_vupgrade_databases', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_agent_parameter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_agent_profile', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_log_shipping_primary_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_log_shipping_secondary_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_log_shipping_secondary_primary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_subscription_properties', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_tracking_waitforchanges', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_change_users_login', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changearticle', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changearticlecolumndatatype', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedbowner', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedistpublisher', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedistributiondb', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedistributor_password', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedistributor_property', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changedynamicsnapshot_job', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changelogreader_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergearticle', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergefilter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergelogsettings', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergepublication', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergepullsubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changemergesubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changeobjectowner', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changepublication', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changepublication_snapshot', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changeqreader_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changereplicationserverpasswords', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changesubscriber', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changesubscriber_schedule', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changesubscription', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changesubscriptiondtsinfo', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_changesubstatus', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_constbytable_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_constbytable_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_constraints_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_constraints_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_dynamic_filters', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_for_sync_trigger', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_join_filter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_log_shipping_monitor_alert', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_publication_access', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_subset_filter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_sync_trigger', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_checkinvalidivarticle', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_checkOraclepackageversion', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_clean_db_file_free_space', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_clean_db_free_space', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cleanmergelogfiles', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cleanup_log_shipping_history', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cleanup_temporal_history', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_cleanupdbreplication', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_column_privileges', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_column_privileges_ex', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_column_privileges_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_column_privileges_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_column_privileges_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_columns', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') 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'R') ,('sp_MSgetmetadata_changedlogicalrecordmembers', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetmetadatabatch', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetmetadatabatch90new', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetonerow', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetonerowlightweight', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetpeerconflictrow', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetpeerlsns', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetpeertopeercommands', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetpeerwinnerrow', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetpubinfo', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetreplicainfo', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetreplicastate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetrowmetadata', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetrowmetadatalightweight', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSGetServerProperties', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSgetsetupbelong_cost', 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'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSstartmerge_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSstartsnapshot_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSstopdistribution_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSstopmerge_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSstopsnapshot_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSsub_check_identity', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSsub_set_identity', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSsubscription_status', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MSsubscriptionvalidated', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStablechecks', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStablekeys', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStablerefs', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStablespace', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStestbit', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStran_ddlrepl', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStran_is_snapshot_required', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_MStrypurgingoldsnapshotdeliveryprogress', 'GRANT', 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'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_SetAutoSAPasswordAndDisable', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setdefaultdatatypemapping', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setnetname', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_SetOBDCertificate', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setOraclepackageversion', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setreplfailovermode', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setsubscriptionxactseqno', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_settriggerorder', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_setuserbylogin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_showcolv', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_showlineage', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_showmemo_xml', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_showpendingchanges', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_showrowreplicainfo', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sm_detach', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_spaceused', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_spaceused_remote_data_archive', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') 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'R') ,('sp_srvrolepermission', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_start_user_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_startmergepullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_startmergepushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_startpublication_snapshot', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_startpullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_startpushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_statistics', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_statistics_100', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_statistics_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_statistics_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stopmergepullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stopmergepushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stoppublication_snapshot', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stoppullsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stoppushsubscription_agent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stored_procedures', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_subscribe', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_subscription_cleanup', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_subscriptionsummary', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_add_history_entry', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_add_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_delete_history', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_delete_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_drop_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_ensure_dac_creator', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_rename_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_resolve_pending_entry', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_rollback_all_pending_objects', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_rollback_committed_step', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_rollback_pending_object', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_setreadonly_database', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_update_history_entry', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_upgrade_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_subscribe_to_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_unsubscribe_from_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_ddl_trigger', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_event_notification', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysdac_update_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_constraints_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_constraints_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_privileges', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_privileges_ex', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_privileges_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_privileges_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_privileges_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_statistics_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_statistics2_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_type_columns_100', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_type_columns_100_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_type_pkeys', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_type_primary_keys_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_types', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_types_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_table_validation', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tablecollations', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tablecollations_100', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tablecollations_90', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tableoption', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_ex', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_90_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_90_rowset_64', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_90_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_90_rowset2_64', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_rowset_64', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_info_rowset2_64', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_rowset', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_rowset_rmt', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tables_rowset2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_tableswc', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_testlinkedserver', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_create', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_generateevent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_getdata', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_setevent', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_setfilter', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_trace_setstatus', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_try_set_session_context', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unbindefault', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unbindrule', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unprepare', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unregister_custom_scripting', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unregistercustomresolver', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unsetapprole', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_unsubscribe', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_agent_profile', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_user_instance', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_updateextendedproperty', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_updatestats', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_upgrade_log_shipping', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter1', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter10', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter2', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter3', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter4', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_user_counter5', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') 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'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_kill_active_transactions', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_merge_checkpoint_files', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_objects_present', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_set_memory_quota', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_slo_can_downgrade', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_slo_downgrade_finished', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_slo_prepare_to_downgrade', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_xtp_unbind_db_resource_pool', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_dirtree', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_fileexist', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_fixeddrives', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_getnetname', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_grantlogin', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_instance_regread', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_msver', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_qv', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') ,('xp_regread', 'GRANT', 'public', 'dbo', 'R') 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'db_ssisltduser', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_renamefolder', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisltduser', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_setpackageroles', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisltduser', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_checkexists', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_deletepackage', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_getfolder', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_getpackage', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_listfolders', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_listpackages', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_ssis_putpackage', 'GRANT', 'db_ssisoperator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_syscollector_highest_incompatible_mdw_version', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_cleanup_collector', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_create_collection_item', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_create_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_create_collector_type', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_delete_collection_item', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_delete_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_delete_collector_type', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_set_cache_directory', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_set_cache_window', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_set_warehouse_database_name', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_set_warehouse_instance_name', 'GRANT', 'dc_admin', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_syscollector_find_collection_set_root', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_create_tsql_query_collector', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_delete_execution_log_tree', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_disable_collector', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_enable_collector', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_get_tsql_query_collector_package_ids', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_run_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_start_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_stop_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_update_collection_item', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_update_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_upload_collection_set', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_verify_subsystems', 'GRANT', 'dc_operator', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_syscollector_highest_incompatible_mdw_version', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_create_tsql_query_collector', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_oncollectionbegin', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_oncollectionend', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_onerror', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_onpackagebegin', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_onpackageend', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_onpackageupdate', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_event_onstatsupdate', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_get_tsql_query_collector_package_ids', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_get_warehouse_connection_string', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_snapshot_dm_exec_query_stats', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syscollector_snapshot_dm_exec_requests', 'GRANT', 'dc_proxy', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_condition', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_object_set', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_policy', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_policy_category_subscription', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_target_set', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_add_target_set_level', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_configure', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_create_purge_job', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_delete_condition', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_delete_object_set', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_delete_policy', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_delete_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_delete_policy_category_subscription', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_dispatch_event', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_log_policy_execution_detail', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_log_policy_execution_end', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_log_policy_execution_start', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_purge_health_state', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_purge_history', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_rename_condition', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_rename_policy', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_rename_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_repair_policy_automation', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_set_config_enabled', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_set_config_history_retention', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_set_log_on_success', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_condition', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_policy', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_policy_category', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_policy_category_subscription', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_target_set', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_update_target_set_level', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_syspolicy_verify_object_set_identifiers', 'GRANT', 'PolicyAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_add_shared_registered_server', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_add_shared_server_group', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_delete_shared_registered_server', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_delete_shared_server_group', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_move_shared_registered_server', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_move_shared_server_group', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_rename_shared_registered_server', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_rename_shared_server_group', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_update_shared_registered_server', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysmanagement_update_shared_server_group', 'GRANT', 'ServerGroupAdministratorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_enum_login_for_proxy', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_alert', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_notification', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_targetserver', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_purge_jobhistory', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobschedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobserver', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_add_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_addtask', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_agent_get_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_attach_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_for_owned_jobs', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_check_for_owned_jobsteps', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobschedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobserver', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_jobsteplog', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_delete_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_detach_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_droptask', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_enum_sqlagent_subsystems', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_get_job_alerts', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_get_jobstep_db_username', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_get_sqlagent_properties', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_category', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobactivity', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobcount', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobhistory', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobhistory_full', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobhistory_sem', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobhistory_summary', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobs_in_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobschedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobserver', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobsteplog', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_operator', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_proxy', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_maintplan_subplans_by_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_notify_operator', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_start_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_stop_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_uniquetaskname', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_job', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_jobschedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_update_schedule', 'GRANT', 'SQLAgentUserRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_agent_get_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_downloaded_row_limiter', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_enlist_tsx', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobschedule', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_help_jobstep', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_maintplan_subplans_by_job', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sqlagent_check_msx_version', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sqlagent_probe_msx', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sqlagent_refresh_job', 'GRANT', 'TargetServersRole', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_encode_sqlname_for_powershell', 'GRANT', 'UtilityCMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_get_is_instance_ucp', 'GRANT', 'UtilityCMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_ucp_get_aggregated_failure_count', 'GRANT', 'UtilityCMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_ucp_get_applicable_policy', 'GRANT', 'UtilityCMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_ucp_get_global_health_policy', 'GRANT', 'UtilityCMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_get_culture_invariant_conversion_style_internal', 'GRANT', 'UtilityIMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_mi_get_cpu_architecture_name', 'GRANT', 'UtilityIMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('fn_sysutility_mi_get_cpu_family_name', 'GRANT', 'UtilityIMRReader', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysutility_mi_collect_dac_execution_statistics_internal', 'GRANT', 'UtilityIMRWriter', 'dbo', 'R') ,('sp_sysutility_mi_get_dac_execution_statistics_internal', 'GRANT', 'UtilityIMRWriter', 'dbo', 'R') SELECT [Permission Class] ,[Schema] ,rules.object_name AS [Object] ,[Permission] ,[Principal Type] ,rules.prin_name AS [Principal] FROM ( SELECT perms.class_desc COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS [Permission Class] ,object_schema_name(major_id) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS [Schema] ,object_name(major_id) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS object_name ,perms.permission_name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS [Permission] ,type_desc COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS [Principal Type] ,prin.name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS prin_name ,state_desc COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS state_desc ,prin.type COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS prin_type ,user_name(grantor_principal_id) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AS user_name FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS prin ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE permission_name IN ('EXECUTE') AND perms.class = 1 AND [state] IN ('G','W') AND grantee_principal_id NOT IN (DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('guest') ,DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('public'))) AS rules LEFT JOIN #entries_to_exclude_va2033 ON rules.object_name = #entries_to_exclude_va2033.object_name AND rules.state_desc = #entries_to_exclude_va2033.state_desc AND rules.prin_name = #entries_to_exclude_va2033.prin_name AND rules.user_name = #entries_to_exclude_va2033.user_name AND rules.prin_type = #entries_to_exclude_va2033.prin_type WHERE #entries_to_exclude_va2033.object_name IS NULL Remediation:Revoke permissions from principals where not needed. It is recommended to have at most 1 principal granted a specific permission. REVOKE $3 ON [$1].[$2] FROM [$5] |
VA2109: Minimal set of principals should be members of fixed low impact database roles
Applies To: SQL Server provides roles to help manage the permissions. Roles are security principals that group other principals. Database-level roles are database-wide in their permission scope. This rule checks that a minimal set of principals are members of the fixed database roles.Rationale:Fixed database roles may have administrative permissions on the system. Following the principle of least privilege, it is important to minimize membership in fixed database roles and keep a baseline of these memberships. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles for additional information on database roles. Query:SELECT user_name(sr.member_principal_id) as [Principal] ,user_name(sr.role_principal_id) as [Role] ,type_desc as [Principal Type] FROM sys.database_role_members AS sr INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS sp ON sp.principal_id = sr.member_principal_id WHERE sr.role_principal_id IN ( user_id('db_datareader') ,user_id('db_datawriter') ,user_id('db_denydatareader') ,user_id('db_denydatawriter') ) Remediation:Remove members who should not have access to the database role ALTER ROLE [$1] DROP MEMBER [$0] |
VA2130: Track all users with access to the database
Applies To: This check tracks all users with access to a database. Make sure that these users are authorized according to their current role in the organization.Rationale:Performing a User Access Review helps identify accounts that were added to the server maliciously and dormant accounts. Query:WITH UsersAndRoles (principal_name, sid, type) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT prin.name, prin.sid, prin.type FROM sys.database_principals prin INNER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM sys.database_permissions WHERE type = 'CO' AND state IN ('G', 'W') ) perm ON perm.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE prin.type IN ('S', 'X', 'R', 'E', 'G') UNION ALL SELECT user_name(rls.member_principal_id), prin.sid, prin.type FROM UsersAndRoles cte INNER JOIN sys.database_role_members rls ON user_name(rls.role_principal_id) = cte.principal_name INNER JOIN sys.database_principals prin ON rls.member_principal_id = prin.principal_id WHERE cte.type = 'R' ), Users (database_user, sid) AS ( SELECT principal_name, sid FROM UsersAndRoles WHERE type IN ('S', 'X', 'E', 'G') AND principal_name != 'dbo' ) SELECT DISTINCT database_user, sid FROM Users WHERE sid != 0x01 Remediation:Revoke unnecessary access granted to users. Add the rest to the baseline. DROP USER $0 |
Data Protection – 7 rule(s)
Severity: High
VA1098: Any Existing Mirroring or SSB endpoint should require AES encryption
Applies To: Mirroring endpoints, which are used for Always On Synchronization, as well as Service Broker endpoints support different encryption algorithms, including no encryption. This rule checks that any existing endpoint requires AES encryption.Rationale:Using a weak encryption algorithm or plaintext in communication protocols can lead to data manipulation including data loss, and/or connection hijacking. Query:SELECT ep.NAME AS [Endpoint Name], ep.type_desc AS [Endpoint Type] FROM sys.database_mirroring_endpoints AS dme JOIN sys.endpoints AS ep ON dme.endpoint_id = ep.endpoint_id WHERE dme.encryption_algorithm 2 AND ep.type BETWEEN 3 AND 4 UNION SELECT ep.NAME AS [Name], ep.type_desc AS [Type] FROM sys.service_broker_endpoints AS sbe JOIN sys.endpoints AS ep ON sbe.endpoint_id = ep.endpoint_id WHERE sbe.encryption_algorithm 2 AND ep.type BETWEEN 3 AND 4 Remediation:Change the affected endpoints to accept only AES connections ALTER ENDPOINT [$0] FOR $1 ( ENCRYPTION = REQUIRED ALGORITHM AES ) |
VA1221: Database Encryption Symmetric Keys should use AES algorithm
Applies To: SQL Server uses encryption keys to help secure data, credentials, and connection information that is stored in a server database. SQL Server has two kinds of keys: symmetric and asymmetric. This rule checks that Database Encryption Symmetric Keys use AES algorithm.Rationale:Weak encryption algorithms may lead to weaknesses in the data-at-rest protection. Query:SELECT db_name(database_id) AS [Database] ,encryption_state AS [Encryption State] ,key_algorithm AS [Key Algorithm] ,key_length AS [Key Length] ,encryptor_type AS [Encryptor Type] FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys WHERE key_algorithm != 'AES' Remediation:Regenerate the DEK using AES |
VA1222: Cell-Level Encryption keys should use AES algorithm
Applies To: Cell-Level Encryption (CLE) allows you to encrypt your data using symmetric and asymmetric keys. This rule checks that Cell-Level Encryption symmetric keys use AES algorithm.Rationale:Weak encryption algorithms may lead to weaknesses in the data-at-rest protection Query:SELECT NAME AS [Key Name], algorithm_desc AS [Key Algorithm] FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE key_algorithm NOT IN ( 'A1', 'A2', 'A3' ) Remediation:Create AES keys, re-encrypt the data using the new key, and drop the affected keys. |
VA1223: Certificate keys should use at least 2048 bits
Applies To: Certificate keys are used in RSA and other encryption algorithms to protect data. These keys need to be of enough length to secure the user’s data. This rule checks that the key’s length is at least 2048 bits for all certificates.Rationale:Key length defines the upper-bound on the encryption algorithm’s security. Using short keys in encryption algorithms may lead to weaknesses in data-at-rest protection. Query:SELECT name AS [Certificate Name], thumbprint AS [Thumbprint] FROM sys.certificates WHERE key_length < 2048 Remediation:Create new certificates, re-encrypt the data/sign-data using the new key, and drop the affected keys. |
VA1224: Asymmetric keys’ length should be at least 2048 bits
Applies To: Database asymmetric keys are used in many encryption algorithms, these keys need to be of enough length to secure the encrypted data, this rule checks that all asymmetric keys stored in the database are of length of at least 2048 bitsRationale:Key length defines the upper-bound on the encryption algorithm’s security, using short keys in encryption algorithms may lead to weaknesses in the data-at-rest protection Query:SELECT name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc, algorithm_desc FROM sys.asymmetric_keys WHERE key_length < 2048 AND NOT (DB_NAME() = 'master' AND name = 'MS_SQLEnableSystemAssemblyLoadingKey') ORDER BY name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc, algorithm_desc Remediation:Create new asymmetric Keys, re-encrypt the data/sign-data using the new key, and drop the affected keys. DROP ASYMMETRIC KEY [$0] |
Severity: Medium
VA1219: Transparent data encryption should be enabled
Applies To: Transparent data encryption (TDE) helps to protect the database files against information disclosure by performing real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files ‘at rest’, without requiring changes to the application. This rule checks that TDE is enabled on the database.Rationale:Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) protects data ‘at rest’, meaning the data and log files are encrypted when stored on disk. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = db_name() AND is_encrypted = 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] Remediation:Enable TDE on the affected database. Please follow the instructions on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/encryption/transparent-data-encryption |
VA1288: Sensitive data columns should be classified
Applies To: This rule checks if the scanned database has potentially sensitive data that has not been classified.Rationale:The data residing in your database can have varying levels of business and privacy sensitivity. It is important to be aware of the location of your most sensitive data elements, so that their access can be monitored and tracked. SQL Data Discovery & Classification enables you to assign a distinct classification label to each database column and persist this information as column metadata within the database. This classification metadata can then be used for tracking and monitoring objectives. In addition, access to sensitive data should be more tightly controlled. Built-in SQL security capabilities like Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, and Row-Level Security can be used to control access and protect data. Query:Remediation:Click the remediation link below to classify columns with sensitive data or to dismiss recommendations for columns that do not contain sensitive data (false positives). |
Installation Updates And Patches – 1 rule(s)
Severity: High
VA2128: Vulnerability Assessment is not supported for SQL Server versions lower than SQL Server 2012
Applies To: To run a Vulnerability Assessment scan on your SQL Server, the server needs to be upgraded to SQL Server 2012 or higher.SQL Server 2008 R2 and below are no longer supported by Microsoft. See here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/cloud-platform/windows-sql-server-2008Rationale:Older versions of SQL server are no longer supported by Microsoft. Windows Server 2008 R2 end-of-life mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015. On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end all support for Windows Server 2008 R2. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), SERVERPROPERTY ('productversion')) LIKE '7.%' THEN '1' WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), SERVERPROPERTY ('productversion')) LIKE '8.%' THEN '1' WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), SERVERPROPERTY ('productversion')) LIKE '9.%' THEN '1' WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), SERVERPROPERTY ('productversion')) LIKE '10.%' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS [Violation] Remediation:Upgrade your SQL Server version to 2012 or higher. |
Surface Area Reduction – 10 rule(s)
Severity: High
VA1102: The Trustworthy bit should be disabled on all databases except MSDB
Applies To: The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it. If this option is enabled, database modules (for example, user-defined functions or stored procedures) that use an impersonation context can access resources outside the database. This rule verifies that the TRUSTWORTHY bit is disabled on all databases, except MSDB.Rationale:The trustworthy bit (TWbit) is an access control mechanism that enables features that can lead to an elevation of privilege such as CLR and server-scope impersonation. For more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2183687 Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME = Db_name() AND is_trustworthy_on = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Violation, Db_name() AS [Database] Remediation:Disable the trustworthy bit (TWbit) from all affected databases. If you need to use functionality that is controlled by the TWbit, it is recommended to use digital signatures to enable the functionality instead of enabling the TWbit on the database. ALTER DATABASE [$1] SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF |
VA1245: The database owner information in the database should match the respective database owner information in the master database
Applies To: Database ownership metadata is stored in two locations – in the master database and in the database itself. This stored metadata can sometimes become out of sync. For instance, when a database has been restored from a different server, or when the server principal stored as dbo no longer exists for some reason, the data stored in the database and the data stored in the master database will be out of sync.Rationale:The metadata about the database owner stored inside the database should match that stored in the master database. This helps avoid potential system problems, for instance permission problems when using some features such as CLR. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals AS dbprs INNER JOIN sys.databases AS dbs ON dbprs.sid != dbs.owner_sid WHERE dbs.database_id = Db_id() AND dbprs.principal_id = 1 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] Remediation:Use ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE DDL-command against the database to specify a new server principal that should be the owner of the database |
VA1256: User CLR assemblies should not be defined in the database
Applies To: CLR assemblies can be used to execute arbitrary code on SQL Server process. This rule checks that there are no user-defined CLR assemblies in the databaseRationale:Using CLR assemblies can bring a security flaw to the SQL Server instance and to all other network resources accessible from it Query:SELECT name AS [Assembly] FROM sys.assemblies WHERE is_user_defined != 0 Remediation:Drop assemblies from the affected databases DROP ASSEMBLY [$0] |
VA1277: Polybase network encryption should be enabled
Applies To: PolyBase is a technology that accesses and combines both non-relational and relational data, all from within SQL Server. Polybase network encryption option configures SQL Server to encrypt control and data channels when using Polybase. This rule verifies that this option is enabled.Rationale:Having any communication protocol without encryption can lead to multiple security problems, including data loss, data tampering & leak of authentication credentials. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.configurations WHERE NAME = 'polybase network encryption' AND Cast(value AS INT) = 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] Remediation:Enable polybase network encryption (default) EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXECUTE sp_configure 'polybase network encryption', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0; RECONFIGURE; |
VA2062: Database-level firewall rules should not grant excessive access
Applies To: The Azure SQL Database-level firewall helps protect your data by preventing all access to your database until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Database-level firewall rules grant access to the specific database based on the originating IP address of each request. Database-level firewall rules for master and user databases can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL (unlike server-level firewall rules which can also be created and managed using the Azure portal or PowerShell). For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure This check verifies that each database-level firewall rule does not grant access to more than 255 IP addresses.Rationale:Often, administrators add rules that grant excessive access as part of a troubleshooting process – to eliminate the firewall as the source of a problem, they simply create a rule that allows all traffic to pass to the affected database. Granting excessive access using database firewall rules is a clear security concern, as it violates the principle of least privilege by allowing unnecessary access to your database. In fact, it’s the equivalent of placing the database outside of the firewall. Query:SELECT name ,start_ip_address ,end_ip_address FROM sys.database_firewall_rules WHERE ( (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 1)) + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(end_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) - (CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 1)) + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 2)) * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 3)) * 65536 + CONVERT(bigint, parsename(start_ip_address, 4)) * 16777216 ) ) > 255; Remediation:Remove database firewall rules that grant excessive access EXECUTE sp_delete_database_firewall_rule N'$0'; |
VA2064: Database-level firewall rules should be tracked and maintained at a strict minimum
Applies To: The Azure SQL Database-level firewall helps protect your data by preventing all access to your database until you specify which IP addresses have permission. Database-level firewall rules grant access to the specific database based on the originating IP address of each request. Database-level firewall rules for master and user databases can only be created and managed through Transact-SQL (unlike server-level firewall rules which can also be created and managed using the Azure portal or PowerShell). For more details please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure. This check enumerates all the database-level firewall rules so that any changes made to them can be identified and addressed.Rationale:Firewall rules should be strictly configured to allow access only to client computers that have a valid need to connect to the database. Any superfluous entries in the firewall may pose a threat by allowing an unauthorized source access to your database. Query:SELECT name ,start_ip_address ,end_ip_address FROM sys.database_firewall_rules Remediation:Evaluate each of the database-level firewall rules. Remove any rules that grant unnecessary access and set the rest as a baseline. Deviations from the baseline will be identified and brought to your attention in subsequent scans. EXECUTE sp_delete_database_firewall_rule N'$0'; |
Severity: Medium
VA1044: Remote Admin Connections should be disabled unless specifically required
Applies To: This rule checks that remote dedicated admin connections are disabled if they are not being used for clustering to reduce attack surface area. SQL Server provides a dedicated administrator connection (DAC). The DAC lets an administrator access a running server to execute diagnostic functions or Transact-SQL statements, or to troubleshoot problems on the server and it becomes an attractive target to attack when it is enabled remotely.Rationale:The Dedicated Admin Connection (DAC) is intended to be used by administrators for troubleshooting in scenarios when normal connections are not available due to an abnormal state of the system. For scenarios, other than clusters, the DAC is intended to be used only on the same node, and not remotely, to prevent automated attacks against this entry point. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.configurations WHERE NAME = 'remote admin connections' AND Cast(value AS INT) = 1 AND ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('IsClustered'), 0) = 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] Remediation:Disable remote dedicated admin connections. A good alternative would be to access box directly and use DAC instead of RDAC. EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXECUTE sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 0; RECONFIGURE; EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0; RECONFIGURE; |
VA1051: AUTO_CLOSE should be disabled on all databases
Applies To: The AUTO_CLOSE option specifies whether the database shuts down gracefully and frees resources after the last user disconnects. Regardless of its benefits it can cause denial of service by aggressively opening and closing the database, thus it is important to keep this feature disabled. This rule checks that this option is disabled on the current database.Rationale:Databases marked with AUTO_CLOSE allows the DB to be closed if there are no active connections. In the case of partially contained databases, the authentication of users occurs within the database itself, so the database must be opened every time to authenticate a user. Frequent opening/closing of the database consumes additional resources and may contribute to a denial of service attack. Query:SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME = Db_name() AND is_auto_close_on = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Violation] , Db_name() AS [Database] Remediation:Disable the AUTO_CLOSE option on the affected databases. ALTER DATABASE [$1] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF |
VA1143: ‘dbo’ user should not be used for normal service operation
Applies To: The ‘dbo’, or database owner, is a user account that has implied permissions to perform all activities in the database. Members of the sysadmin fixed server role are automatically mapped to dbo. This rule checks that dbo is not the only account allowed to access this database. Please note that on a newly created clean database this rule will fail until additional roles are created.Rationale:A compromised service that accesses the database with the ‘dbo’ user account will have full control of the database. To avoid this situation, lower privileged users should be defined for normal service operation, while the ‘dbo’ account should only be used for administrative tasks that require this privilege. Query:IF((SELECT count(*) from sys.database_principals WHERE principal_id >= 5 AND principal_id 0) SELECT 0 AS [Violation] ELSE SELECT 1 AS [Violation] Remediation:Create users with low privileges to access the DB and any data stored in it with the appropriate set of permissions. |
VA1244: Orphaned users should be removed from SQL server databases
Applies To: A database user that exists on a database, but has no corresponding login in master database or as an external resource (i.e. Windows user) is referred to as an orphaned user and it should either be removed or remapped to a valid login. This rule checks that there are no orphaned users.Rationale:Orphaned users are typically signs of a misconfiguration. These users create a risk because potential attackers might get access to them and inherit their permissions on the database. Query:SELECT NAME AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE sid NOT IN ( SELECT sid FROM sys.server_principals ) AND authentication_type_desc = 'INSTANCE' AND type = 'S' AND principal_id != 2 AND DATALENGTH(sid) <= 28 Remediation:Drop the orphaned users or remap them to a different login. DROP USER [$0] |
Wanna know how I generated this page?
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Good Job! it is what I’m looking.
While browsing I found the there is a missing t-sql code for rule VA2033 maybe limitation of characters cut your the Query.
I will be grateful if you add the missing part.
Thanks for letting me know!
I updated VA2033. Please check again.
Thank you!
Hi, I continue reviewee of your rules and I found that query for VA1143 didn’t work, and I’m not sure how you want it to work. Can you look on it?
Hi Mariusz,
Thank you for your finding. Something must’ve gone wrong with the HTML formatting.
I fixed the query, it was supposed to be:
IF((SELECT count(*) from sys.database_principals WHERE principal_id >= 5 AND principal_id < 16384 ) > 0) SELECT 0 AS [Violation]
ELSE SELECT 1 AS [Violation]
I’m not sure about this query, not better will be :
“SELECT name from sys.database_principals where principal_id >= 5 and (type=’S’ or type = ‘U’) “, just limit to sql and windows user – what you think?
That’s up to you.
The purpose of this page is to provide the details and queries of Microsoft’s SQL Vulnerability Assessment tool.
You have the absolute freedom to customize these queries for your own needs as you see fit.
an example of VA1017, I see written SQL Server 2012+. Why is it not in the report?